Friday, June 18, 2010

Megan Fox is box office poison Part 2

Megan Fox sucks so bad that despite her alleged Jolie "rip-off" good looks, she can't sell a movie to save her life. It's just another example of why I hate Hollywood so much. This chick has already made enough coin to get three more tattoos and buy God knows what else, but she hasn't proven a damn thing. Tom Cruise may be bat shit crazy, but at least he sells tickets. Girls like Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, etc should never move away from playing the hot chick with minimal lines in summer blockbuster movies most likely headed to sequels.

Jonah Hex will be released in a week or so and just as I called Jennifer's Body would fail, so will this movie. In fact, very few reviews have come out about this horrific movie, but the ones that have, aren't good. I think the director had probably already cast Fox when he realized just how poorly she can act because critics are saying her screen time is barely 10 minutes and if you watch this trailer that's nine minutes too long. Not only that though, her lines are two and three word sentences. She might be borderline autistic. Raymond from Rain Man could suspend disbelief better than this chick and all he talks about is Judge Wapner and K-Mart.

In the whole insufferable trailer, the following lines are delivered by Megan Fox:

Jonah Hex
I always do like when you finally show up
Rolls eyes
Can you?
It aint much for being owned
They took it
They took it all jonah
Wouldn’t you?

Riveting? I honestly think this might be the least talented actress ever to be on film.

So-called attractive people who lose millions for studios, read lines for a living and get paid millions, and somewhere, through some agenda pushing liberal PSA, some uniformed voter votes democrat because this dumb actor told them to. That's the degree I hate Hollywood and everyone associated with that town.

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