Sunday, February 19, 2006

Splitting Crosshairs

What do you hate? What's got you're goat?

Hate the government? Governments have been corrupt since the first ancient governments. The law of Hammurabi was made to be broken you might say. Hate for government is a waste of energy. It won't change. Hate Republicans? Hate Democrats? There's no difference and your alligience is as deep as a sports fan.

Hate Religion? Hate certain religions? Hate the wars that religion and government have created together or against each other? Religion is as old as man; destruction from traditions is ancient and never ending. Look up Joseph Campbell as an expert on our habit of mythology from one culture to the next, separate but same. Look up Pol Pot the Cambodian dictator of the Khmer Rouge who killed 2 million people in 4 years. Pol Pot was Buddhist, and did so in the name of. The Baghavad Gita is an Indian holy book that describes Krishna, a god talking Arjuna, a mortal incarnate as soldier into going to war and killing, when he doesn't want to. When a Samurai wants to test a new sword, he can try it on the next person he sees, and they are supposed to consider their own death as such an honor. You can't just blame the west and Christianity. Asia begins with Israel and goes east, a neat tid-bit that I recently noticed for myself.

So, you hate meat, but you love sugar? More for the use of sugar than for meat has been done to kill and enslave humans over time. Read "Sugar Blues." We (The English to be specific) began enslaving blacks from Africa within 100 years of "discovering the new land," to support our sugar tooth habits reaping cane in the Caribbean because our tender skins and lazy bodies couldn't take the heat.

Hate blacks? You hate blacks because you are descendants of those who bought the propaganda from those who intended to use blacks as slaves to complete their opulence while working in tandem with the church. Propaganda to support the notion that blacks were less than human - A NEW IDEA AT THE TIME. A notion that is only a couple hundred years old today. Blacks from North Africa were invited into many European nations and stood side-by-side whites as equals. So thank the sugar popes first, then your recent ancestors for buying the lie. After the civil war people who actually believed creation used evolution to support their ideas that whites were superior.

Hate whites? It was the African tribe leaders who first sold the first slaves to whites. True, eventually the ships came into the bay and went ashore in huge slave round-ups, but it began with the first internal transactions. More whites died in the Civil War fighting, in part, to abolish slavery than there ever were slaves in the first place. This doesn't justify, but it's a fact worth recognizing.

Hate the guy who cut you off in traffic? Or he who tailgates? Like you've never done that?

Hate petroleum and cars? Well now you know about sugar too if you didn't already. Sugar dealers were at one point putting heroin dealers out of business at one point according to Sugar Blues. But now per President Bush the tree-hugger that he is - Americans are now addicted to petroleum. I thought that was common sense. What is common sense?

Hate people who don't have common sense? I hear this all the time. It's a popular redneck thing to say, "Them people don't have no common sense." What is common sense? The watered down mean-of-means pop-world media conglomerate mediocrity on TV that we take on as our way of living? Mourning the death of a racecar driver years after his death? Eating meat, supporting the death penalty and calling yourself pro-life? Saying "God Loves You with a bumper sticker but then saying, "god hates fags" with your mouth?

Hate fags? The Greco-roman western culture that is the basis for your democracy and theories of freedom science and religion was built up and run on the leadership of those you might call fags. It was the norm to take another male as your sexual release and preserve virgins for marriage. Now neither is the norm. I'm not suggesting better over worse, just void reasons to hate people. The same corporations that call themselves conservative and family friendly are the same ones making the most money of the porn industry. Pay-per-view in your hotel room? Do you have any idea who got their cut? Who cares, as long as you don't watch gay porn right?

Who do you hate? You hate something. Hate is in you and you redirect it to something outside yourself. We all feel justified in hating something. It's like assuming that hating the right thing is ok, as if we're justified within our choice. Hate is always the same, the same creature, as if a chemical in our brains. It doesn't matter what you hate, hate itself is the only thing to hate.

Who do I hate? Am I hateless person to have such thoughts? What do I love to loathe? I can guess these are questions that someone might ask if someone reads this someday. I'm sure it's clear that leftover hateful liquid seeps from the seams in what I assembled for your consideration. Perhaps you can see though that I'm in a battle with these feelings. A dark rancid anger, so I am human. But a human can be more than this. Know it. Simply: All that is not to hate is to love, everything. I can think this, but I want to believe it to my core. It will take practice.

I'll admit that I have a tendency to hate rich people most. They seem to be miserable but oblivious to the fact, while looking down their nose at the rest of us. I hate Palm Coast. It's full of miserable rich people, it always has been. They are retired, or milking the retired, entitled to anything, but still so high strung and dissatisfied with everything. I don't want to be this way when I reach retirement age. I hope that when I'm 65, lord willing, that I will look forward still, but when I do look back I will see a life that was spent in the beautiful Florida landscapes and oceanside. I will see that I had a beautiful family and beautiful friends, that I appreciated them, and that I was able to show them this appreciation. I want to be able to look back and see that I was able to see hate for what it is, pure hate, no matter what is hated, and was able to rid my mind and body of it.

(as a note - I was asked by my girlfriend, who read this post - "interesting, but what are your sources for all that? - The book - Sugar Blues, Years of watching PBS Ken Burns documentaries in particular, and listening to NPR shows.)


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