Monday, September 19, 2011 is just a microcosm of what's wrong with this country that was once the greatest in the world. These losers, whether a parody video or not, are sensationalizing the dishonesty and abuse of a system designed to help the needy. I don't consider the needy people decked out in expensive sneakers, new hats, brand name jeans, etc. Welfare will never work and as time goes on, it becomes increasingly more apparent. Actions like this from capable, healthy potential earners is an insult to the droves of people that came to this country through Ellis Island battling disease and poverty for the opportunity to create their own future. So many of the people that created the most businesses and contributed to the most successful industries started in poverty because poverty with opportunity was better than the country they came from. I know many of you will watch this video and laugh, but honestly, I don't see one damn funny thing about it. In fact, I'm embarrassed. America as we know it is doomed.

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