Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Obama Promises Jobs Package, Challenges Republicans to Block It

At LAT, "Obama dares Republicans to block his coming jobs package."

After pledging to send a job-creation package to Congress next month and daring Republicans to block it, President Obama offered few specifics Tuesday about the form the plan might take as he stuck to a broad outline of how to improve the economy.

On the second day of Obama's three-day bus tour of the upper Midwest, the president worked off the blueprint he had used the day before, offering proposals such as extending a payroll tax cut, spending money to repair roads and bridges, and ratifying pending trade agreements.

And he continued to hammer away at Republicans in Congress, suggesting they stand in the way of economic growth, even as some Democrats expressed discomfort with what they saw as a potentially divisive stance.

"We could do even more if Congress is willing to get in the game," Obama said to a gathering of small-business owners, community leaders and rural development experts at a small college in Peosta, Iowa.
I'm thinking about that Trifecta video I posted earlier, and Bill Whittle's comments. No matter who the GOP nominates, the Republican base is going to be more energized than ever. I'm starting to get the 2012 fever!

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