Sunday, August 21, 2011

Libyan Rebels March on Tripoli: Reports of Gaddafi's Son Captured; UPDATE!! Muammar Gaddafi Flees to Algeria!; Breaking: Gaddafi in Hiding!

Allahpundit has a big report, "Breaking: The end of Qaddafi? Update: Qaddafi shot dead? Update: Or not; Update: Qaddafi’s son captured."

And you gotta love this video, with the Libyan news anchorwoman brandishing a gun and pledging to die for the regime:

See also Robert Stacy McCain, "Qaddafi Cornered as Rebels Attack Tripoli."

And the Lede has a live blog, "Latest Updates on the Battle for Tripoli":
5:36 P.M. Rebels Claim They 'Control Most of the Capital'

Waheed Burshan, a spokesman for Libya's National Transitional Council, told Al Jazeera English a few minutes ago that the rebels have indeed captured Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, the son of the Libyan leader, and now "control most of the capital."
Also, at Telegraph UK, "Libya conflict: Final battle for Libya under way as rebels advance on Tripoli."

3:22pm PST: Fox News is reporting that Libya's Muammar Gaddafi has flown to Algeria, and also at Israel Matzav:
Israel Radio has just reported that Muammar Gadhafi has fled and the city of Tripoli has fallen. More to follow.

What happens next remains to be seen.
Britain's Sun newspaper has this, "Gaddafi hides as rebels swarm into Tripoli":
LIBYAN tyrant Colonel Gaddafi was tonight in hiding and clinging to power by his fingertips as rebel forces swarmed into the heart of Tripoli.

The major advance to within half a mile of the capital's iconic Green Square centre had former loyalists predicting the end of Gaddafi's 42-year rule was perhaps just hours away.

Downing Street called on the 'Mad Dog' dictator to step down immediately to avoid further bloodshed amid reports that his sons Seif and Mohammed had been captured by opposition fighters.

Thousands of wildly celebrating civilians lined the streets of Tripoli to welcome the rebel column; there was no resistance from Gaddafi's few remaining forces after a six-month uprising.

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