Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Claims of Grievance-Bearing Identity Groups Will Always Prevail Over Fairness

I continue to reflect on the injustice against Widener Law Professor Lawrence Connell.

At the post title is a clause from the final sentence at Charlotte Allen, "The Mess at Widener Law School."

And of course, the statement's truth is all the more powerful if you've been on the receiving end of the left's preposterous and genuinely evil allegations. Carl Salonen, now a regular at the stalking hate site American Nihilist, contacted my college president, and falsely claimed that:
Dr. Douglas has been rather busy lately, posting photographs and videos of possibly underage women in various states of undress (and of course, making his students go to his blog, thus viewing said images).
Unreal. I know. The allegations are that I'm (1) a child pornographer who (2) requires his students to read his postings. These are breathtaking lies. Carl Salonen submitted not a shred of evidence in support. This is pure, demented libel. But that's typical for progressives. Carl Salonen and his ally W. James Casper ----who gives the former an outlet to continue threats and football spiking---- are both cowards and liars. I'll be further documenting and rebutting Carl Salonen's allegations over the next few days, including a point-by-point refutation the e-mails sent to my college and to Attorney General Kamala Harris. Another complainant made virtually the same malicious complaints, claiming falsely that I posted pictures of nude woman and pulled those up during classroom lectures, in effect subjecting women to sexual harassment by allegedly "forcing" them to view "inappropriate material."

And from the conclusion of Charlotte Allen's essay:
In New Law School thinking, where power is everything, and the claims of grievance-bearing identity groups will always prevail over fairness, it is perfectly fine to strip your perceived opponent of his livelihood and to consign him to the ministrations of your own Nurse Ratched—and there is no such thing as abuse of power.
Carl Salonen had no actionable claims against me or my blogging. Hence, contacting my employer ---- and the state attorney general ---- was nothing but a desperate attempt to destroy me, to get me fired, for the audacity of standing up for decency and right. This tiny little ASFL has nothing but hate, bile, and lies. Endless totalitarian lies. Carl Salonen continues to brag about how much he "hurt me" and how "defeated" I am.

Well, the ASFLs are losing big time. I'm standing up for decency and reputation. I'll be setting the record straight and providing documentation for all to see. This is about truth and accountability. Conservatives cannot let progressives get away with their demonic thuggery. Never give into these people. Document, rebut, report, blog, video and get in their faces with the truth. That's what they hate most, the truth. The truth destroys them because their existence is based on lies, as it is with all totalitarianism.

UPDATE: This post was edited on August 17th at 9:12pm.

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