Monday, April 25, 2011

You gotta be kidding me.

Reporter Looks Like Police Sketch Of Rapist - Watch more Funny Videos

The reporter looks only a little like the perp in question, but honestly, if there's any resemblence whatsoever, shouldn't you have someone else cover this story? If you've got a wide mouth and wide set eyes and the sketch artist has the skills of a 4th grader with epilepsy, ask Hunter from the weather department to be the on scene reporter for this one. I feel badly for this dude. I bet there was a thousand calls right after he reported on this story and they all went a little like this:

"Uh...yes...I'm pretty sure the man you're looking for was just on television. He's going by the alias, Larry Seward and of all places, he's working for the nightly news."

You know they said all the famous serial killers like Son of Sam and Hillside Strangler would hang around their crime scenes because it made them feel invincible. Based upon Larry reporting his own crime on the news, I think might he be a little too confident.

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