Sunday, March 22, 2009

Traffic Jam Surveillance

Not the preferred place for anyone, anywhere...stuck in traffic. And in our case, a military convoy, feeling vulnerable in the best of conditions, sitting at a complete stand still does not help one feel like less of a target. So what to do as a passenger, to stay alert, aware of your surroundings and stay calm? Take pictures.

One of many murals in Diwaniya. This one outside a police station, on a t-wall, is a favorite.

Iraqi Highway Patrol..."IiPS?"

Got the reflection of our gunner as I took a shot of another driver.

Still see something new and surprising every time I leave Camp Echo.

Many buildings here with tell-tale signs of an unstable time. While our unit was in Baghdad I could hear distant shots and explosions from our FOB in the Green Zone at least once a week. It's much quieter here in the south.

I got the evil eye from this vehicle's passenger. I wasn't as bold as it might seem. I only tried to take shots of moving vehicles as they passed.

Once we got to and passed the bottle-neck, we caught up with the motorcycle, and traffic opened up.

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