Monday, May 22, 2006

Submergence/Post Script

I guess I was hoping to prove to Amber that this blog had few readers if any. That there was nothing to be concerned about. She was also concerned the father of her kids might be reading and/or bothered by my blog. I was wrong and she was right, on all counts.

I am very naive, even still, about how truly available to the world things put on the internet are. To think that a person could sit in a small cafe in Europe and pull up this blog, for instance, is still a little hard to wrap my feeble head around. So this will be the last entry for sure. I do want to keep peace. I tend to make trouble when I don't bother to look around corners, looking before leaping, checking mirrors in a lane change, et cetera...I'm that guy.

So I'll keep my own journal and feel free.

Thanks to those who were readers. I will continue to check on and comment on other blogs.


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