Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I'm back in Palm Coast. I move away and come back. Several times now this has happened. I don't miss Gainesville at all, but I knew I wouldn't. I don't miss Saint Augustine either but I thought I would. I used to miss Deland, but that was a long time ago. I've lived in Florida since I was 12. I'm 32 now. My girlfriend is 30 and had two kids, 3 and 7. She and I went to high school together, but never knew each other.

From beneath the clock atop the monitor it looks like a plate. No food or battery and the hands are empty. Got the kids from school. Ivy's begun her preschool. She's eager. "Coo" she calls it. I was gonna start my EMT training in the summer, but today I found that I'll have to wait till Fall. I made too much in 2004 to qualify for financial aid, the new school year will reference my 2005 income, so I should get grants. Funny how my current situation has nothing to do with how/what I qualify for. A cog on a wheel in the machine.

We got cable internet in our new house. After a few months of no internet at all in Saint Augustine it feels quite refreshing. I knew Steve Kilbey, Australian Painter/Poet/Songwriter had a blog and hadn't really looked at it much till now. Same blog site as this blog. Check it out stevekilbey.blogspot.com. So for kicks I clicked the "make you're own..." tab and so here I am.

Blogging. I hadn't ever thought much about it. I have associated it with clips in the back of my mind of N.P.Radio stories about bloggers breaking news stories first, usually political in nature. I just didn't think of it as something artistic. Reading Kilbey's posts changed my mind. I'm a poet, lah-dee-dah.

I've been an occasional poster and imposter at the Hotelwomb.com too. I often got loose, artistic, and funky writing there, unfortunately often while pissed (both lower and middle chakras if ya know what I mean). Eventually I revoked my own poetic license for a handful of mixed reasons. No big deal. I still post but I rained on my own parade till my float soaked itself into a hungry manhole (Gay joke?! - no), now when I feel a post coming on there I feel damp. Hotel Womb is a song by Kilbey and his band The Church, and the site is a message board by various aficionados.

I've been writing first person private journal type stuff, rational and non-rational, since 7th grade when my English teacher said I was a wonderful writer. Since this was nearly the only nice thing a school teacher had ever said to me I believed her out a need to believe something, and the rest is future history. I wrote a little book called "The James King Version" too. It's auto-biographical and about a possible God-Drug connection. I swear it happened a few times, real as my foot on the ground. The book is more about the lead up and the lead out to this time period though. I never bothered too much with trying to get it published, but I made a few copies while working in a copy store years ago, and sold then through Karmichit.com.

I can promise that this will be the most rational and easy to read post. No I can't. But it probably will be. If I get a lead on a big news story political or not I will share it. But I won't. This is my emergence as a blogger.


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